Wednesday 8 July 2015

More Medieval Manuscripts in the Bier Archive

Among other complete manuscripts, leaves, and cuttings represented in the Bier Archive are the following:
Bier Stock no. 968: "Miniature, Reichenau, ca. 1021–1036, Title page of Berno's 'Tonarius'"

This was apparently owned by Mario Uzielli; lent on approval to the Cleveland Museum of Art in January– February 1952; bought by Bier from Uzielli in March 1952 for £538 17s 8d, and sold to Cleveland for £782 15s 10d, i.e. $2,200, with a ½-share of the profit (£119 7s 4d) going to Edmund Schilling:

The Tarleton Hours, before  it was broken up:
and after:

Both these leaves were sold to the Drey Gallery, New York, and are now owned by the University of Colorado Art Museum, Boulder:
The Wodhull-Harberton Hours:
Most recently seen at auction at Christie's, 6 July 2011, lot 23:

Four of the miniatures of a well-known set of leaves from a Livre du Lancelot del Lac illuminated c.1440 by the Dunois Master:

Others from the same set were Christie's, 4 June 2008, lots 26–28, Christie's, 12 June 2013, lot 12, Sotheby's, 8 July 2014, lot 17, Christie's 8 July 2015, lot 10, one is currently with Sam Fogg, and another is with Les Enluminures

Two Swiss cuttings:

subsequently in Les Enluminures, Catalogue 3 (1994):

There are others, but the above give an idea of the range of manuscripts included in the Bier Archive.

I am grateful to the Wallace Collection for permission to use my photos of Bier Archive materials.

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